Brixton Open Exhibition Catalogue 2005 Page 1

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"God is love"
by Peter Dunne
Acrylic on canvas
61 x 92 cm

"Metro time"
by Thurle Wright
Pencil on newspaper
24 x 24 in.

"Charles and Diana"
by Rui Pedror Freitas
Acrylic on wood

"Christ and the chickens"
by Patricio Bosich
Oil on canvas
90 x 109 cm.

"Shades of grey"
by Thurle Wright
Pencil on pages of the Bible
20 x 20 in

by Rui Pedror Freitas
Acrylic on wood

"Heaven and Hell 1"
by Veronica Erard
Reduction Print (Linocut)

"Woodleigh Gardens"
by Nicholas Stewart
Acrylic on canvas
61 x 45.5 cm

by Susanna Ward
Oil on canvas
17.5 x 12.5 cm

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"4 3 6 5"
by Zuhatz Altolagierre
Acrylic on canvas
61 x 45.5 cm