
Young and Creative logo

Seven professional artists, specialists in a range of media from sculpture to textile, printmaking to photography, were chosen to run workshops at schools and youth clubs in Clapham Park, Lambeth.


More than 200 young artists entered works ranging from painting, sculptures to textiles. The Selection Panel whittled down the entries to 62 pieces which will be exhibited between 9 – 23 July 2005

The project, called 'Young and Creative', is being run jointly by the Bettie Morton Gallery and the Clapham Park Project (NDC) – a resident-led scheme dedicated to regenerating the Clapham Park Estate and the surrounding area.

The Winners are:-

Individual Prizes:

In the Under 7s Category -

  • 1st place: Cael Castro, Holy Trinity School, for The City
  • 2nd place: Sahlee Lewis, Holy Trinity School, for Me & My Twin Brother
  • 3rd place: Sofia & Daniel, Richard Atkins School, for Michelle

In the 8-13 Years Category -

  • 1st place: Joint 1st goes to: Nathan, for Self Portrait and Scot Witcomb, for Self Portrait
  • 2nd place: Phoebe Ellis-Rees, Lambeth Academy, for I clean my feet
  • 3rd place: Ellie Goffe, Lambeth Academy, for Miro Ballet Shoe

In the 14-19 Years Category -

  • 1st place: Emma Duncan-Marshalleck, Youth Inclusion Programme, for Untitled
  • 2nd place: Amanda Delaney, Youth Inclusion Programme, for Untitled
  • 3rd place: Mahu Kone-le-Gal, Crossroad, Thesaly Community Centre, for Puma in the Moonlight

Group Prizes

  • 7s and under: Glenbrook School: A visit to Dulwich Picture Gallery: To include a day doing art sessions in the Sackler studio and a set of Gillian Wolfe's art books
  • 8 - 13 years: Lambeth Academy: A visit to the studio of artist Trevor Price, RE (Member of the Royal Society of Painters-Print Makers).

14 - 19 years: Youth Inclusion Programme: A day at Camberwell College of Arts. The tour will include opportunities to meet students and staff, look around the studios and see work in progress. They will provide vouchers worth �250 for the group to spend in the college shop.

Highly Commended:-

  1. Tyrone, Richard Atkins, for `Bug�
  2. Teleri Allent, Lambeth Academy, for Road Dahl Shoe
  3. Emeline Gallaghan, Lambeth Academy, Gaurdi Pillar
  4. Georgia De-Grey, Lambeth Academy, for Glasses
  5. Ella Ferrou, Clapham Youth Centre, for fruit Bowl
  6. Belotie Ndongale, Glenbrook Primary, for Bananas
  7. Joe Tayle, Glenbrook Primary, for Pillars
  8. Kalysia Bailey, Glenbrook Primary, For Cherie
  9. Damario Barrett, Glenbooke Primary School, for Eagle
  10. Tewayne Harris, Glenbrook Primary, for Flash Jack

This years Judges were:

Johanna Kociejowski: Education Projects Coordinator at Dulwich Picture Gallery. 

Georgina Pope: Education Events and Outreach Coordinator at Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Trevor Price, RE: Artist: Member of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers.

Jeremy Swan: Television Producer/Director/Scriptwriter of BBC children series.

Sian Stirling: Head of External Relations for Camberwell College of Arts and Chelsea College of Art & Design.

Bettie Morton: Director of the Bettie Morton Gallery.

This year’s prizes:

7’s yrs under: Art Materials

8-13 years: Art Materials

14-19 years: Art Materials

Groups Prizes:

7’s and under: Visit to Dulwich Picture Gallery
8-13 years: Visit to Artist’s Studio
14-19 years: Visit to Camberwell College of Arts

The Young & Creative is a two-year project to be run over the summer terms of 2005 and 2006. The aim is to turn it to annual event in Lambeth. For information of how to enter in 2006;
e-mail: info@bettiemortongallery.co.uk or write to The Bettie Morton Gallery 62 Atlantic Road, London SW9